set-apart heart

Monday, November 22, 2010

Whispers of love

I witnessed something today that totally made my day. It was one of those "wow" moments that leaves you overwhelmed. Mom had just taken me to the chiropractor and we stopped at Kroger on the way home. I stayed in the car to rest my back while Mom went in the store. We had parked right next to one of the spots reserved for a mother with a child. No one was parked in the spot when we got there, but after a few minutes, a van pulled in. I glanced over and saw a mother getting out of the van. She opened the sliding door on the side of the van, where here daughter was inside. Then I watched as she took the little girl in her arms and gave her one of the most beautiful hugs I've ever seen. She stood there, just holding the little girl tight in her arms. The mother was smiling, and I couldn't hear, but I could see her lips moving as she spoke something to the little girl. I was overwhelmed by the depth love being displayed. The mother was in no hurry. It was as if she had all the time in the world, and nothing was more important than soaking up that precious moment, and delighting in her little girl. She was so gentle, so tender. I couldn't help but see a picture of God in that moment. It's exactly the way He feels about us. It is His delight to hold us close and long. His gentle arms wait to lavish us with love. All the while, smiling from ear to ear because we mean everything to Him. ♥ 

I love how God whispers His love to me when I least expect it. He doesn't have to, but He does, and I am so thankful for His grace that keeps me from missing it. I wonder how often He leaves us "love notes" that we miss... in a sunset, flowers, or the smile of a child. God is so crazy about us. His love is more than our minds can fathom. Don't miss His whisper.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you think Miss Amy. I also love the picture you found of Jesus holding the little girl!
